Tuesday, June 16, 2009

CakePHP setup

Ok, before the non-programming junta starts hurling stones at me, Let me clarify. CakePHP has got nothing to do with cakes or for that matter eating itself. It just happens to have the word 'cake' in it.

CakePHP is a framework. frameworks(apparently) make a programmer's life easier by taking care of a lot of routine task. In return,they give you a set of rules that you should follow while you create your application. I have been sweating it out trying to read and understand the framework for the past 1 week and consequently have also been raising my Googling quotient( :D , IQ is obsolete now) to a new high.

1)If every anybody tries cakephp on an xampp install, remember to tweak your apache settings. http://tinyurl.com/6hbt7u

2)To install cakephp, download the folder from its website. Uncompress it and copy the contents of the cake folder into the folder of your public_html OR htdocs and thats it. You're just one step away from salvation.

3)Create a database for your application, fill in the details in database.php - find it here: htdocs/your-folder-name/app/config/ - and.. well thats it.

4) Open your browser,hit http://localhost/your-foldername OR http://your-site-name.com/folder or wherever you installed it, and you should be able to see the default pages running. IF you see a page with only text links and no colors, then your installation isnt successful yet. No, no biscuits for doggie.

If for some reason you dont see the Blue and greeen colors of your life coming alive, then its most likely that either your DB config isnt right, or your apache settings arent fine. The problem most of the times is only at these two points, so dont waste your time meandering through the app folder, or config folder or any other folder for that matter. You wont find your treasure there.

So much for now. More Later.

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